

OEM Capsule - 2 Oz Guy Fawkes Mask Stackable

OEM Capsule - 2 Oz Guy Fawkes Mask Stackable


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Product Details
These capsules are to be used to protect the South Korea 2 oz Guy Fawkes Mask Stacker for easy protected display.

Product Highlights:
  • Two pieces snap together to provide long-term protection.
  • These capsules are originally used for the South Korea 2 oz Silver Guy Fawkes Stackable.
  • Fawkes Mask Stacker is not included.

Protect your product from fingerprints by adding these cotton gloves to your order.

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1 Review

20% of reviewers recommend this product

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Posted By:V


Date:May 16, 2023

complete garbage

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does not close or stay shut. looks like a good capsule if it fit. I’m glad I only purchased one. not worth the effort to return. APMEX should remove from selling. I think the 2oz silver mask is great! I wish I could protect it with a decent capsule. In the bag, it will remain.

  • Cons
  • Incorrect Fit
  • Bottom Line
  • No, I would not recommend this to a friend
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