

Tools & Alerts

Create and manage your custom Precious Metals portfolio with APMEX’s free portfolio tool. Also, never miss an investment opportunity with our custom alert tools. Respond to market movements instantly, set your custom price for a particular product, or be alerted when your favorite APMEX item is back in stock. The market moves fast - with our 24/7 alerts, you can buy at the right time, every time.

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Precious Metals Portfolio

Create your own Precious Metals portfolio with maximum flexibility to match your financial goals. We make it easy to add all your Precious Metals investments in one convenient place – even if you didn’t purchase from APMEX.

Add your Precious Metals investments.

Monitor the current value of your Precious Metals investments against your acquisition cost.

View a complete list of all your Precious Metals holdings.

Custom Spot Price Alerts

Simply create an account or log in to set up market price alerts. Tell us your Gold, Silver, Platinum or Palladium target price and we will send you an email or text message as soon as the market reaches your price.

Maximize your buy position.

Develop your selling strategy.

Stay informed of market changes.


Price Alerts

Determine the price you would like to pay for a particular product and we will notify you when that product reaches your price. Click on the Price Alert icon on any product detail page and follow the simple steps to set up your alert.

Make the most of your budget.

Precisely time your purchases.

Reach your budget goals quicker.


Get the first opportunity to purchase popular products that sell out quickly. Simply click the blue AlertMe!® button next to any out of stock item and follow the easy instructions. We will let you know when products are back in stock and available for purchase.

Eliminates the guesswork of buying your favorite products.

Efficiently manages your shopping time.

Allows you to track multiple products at once.


Price Widget

Update your website or blog with real-time Gold, Silver, Platinum or Palladium prices. We offer customizable features to make this widget seamlessly fit on your site. Including the size, color and refresh preferences.

Set dimensions to work with your web page.

Choose the color scheme that complements your design.

Choose your refresh preferences.

Take Advantage of our Free Tools

At APMEX, we give you the tools to easily manage your Precious Metals investments and stay up-to-date on the fast-moving market. Our custom tools strive to help you reach your investment goals.

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