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U.S. Nickels

Nickels became one of the staples of American coinage when they were introduced after the Civil War, which made them an important part of the exchange. The first iteration of the nickel, the Shield Nickel was widely popular, followed by the Buffalo nickel and Jefferson nickels. These nickels, plus more, can give you a glimpse into our American heritage.

Collecting Nickels

One of the most popular nickels to collect is the 1964 Denver Jefferson Nickel. This coin was produced in such large quantities, that it remains affordable to even collectors on the lowest of budgets. It's a great way to start your first nickel collection.

Another popular series of nickels for collectors is the Buffalo nickel series, which was introduced in 1913 and stuck until 1938. The Buffalo nickel was designed by James Earle Fraser and remains an enduring icon of the rugged American West that delights collectors.

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