History of Innovation
With more than a century of business under their belt, Credit Suisse, originally named Schweizerische Kreditanstalt, has helped shape the world’s current financial landscape through a series of powerful innovations. Some of these innovations Credit Suisse adopted from others and fine-tuned for its own needs while other innovations the financial institution invented on its own.
In 1951, for example, Credit Suisse was the first major Swiss bank to establish a direct telex connection with New York. It also opened the world’s first drive-in bank in 1962. In 1993, it launched the first telephone banking service and four short years later in 1997, Credit Suisse launched the world’s first internet banking platform. Indeed, this major financial institution has an excellent record of embracing new technologies, which is a record that began with its founder.
The Origins and Influence of Credit Suisse
In 1856, the politician, business leader and technology pioneer Alfred Escher helped establish Credit Suisse to power the construction of the Swiss rail system and incentivize additional industrialization in Switzerland. Even once its initial project was complete, the bank continued past those original aspirations, helping build Switzerland’s electric grid and the rail system throughout Europe to prevent the country from falling victim to economic and cultural isolation.
The railway was a widespread success. Credit Suisse evolved into an internationally respected bank and mint. Like many businesses and banks, much of Credit Suisse’s growth is organic, but also owes plenty to merging and acquiring other businesses. Arguably, none of this would have been possible without the financial institution’s founder.
Today, Switzerland has become one of the most interconnected countries by train and is known as the “land of railways.” It has a network of tracks that stretches more than 5,000 miles around the country, making it easy for people to get around wherever they please.
Is Credit Suisse the Right Investment?
If you are looking to make an investment in Gold, Platinum or Palladium, Credit Suisse is a time-tested and world-renowned partner. Their services are respected around the globe, as are the Gold bars that bear their seal.