

Barber Half Dollars (1892-1915)

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1915 (13)
1914 (9)
1913 (13)
1912 (13)
1911 (13)
1910 (10)
1909 (14)
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1906 (18)
1905 (14)
1904 (14)
1903 (12)
1902 (13)
1901 (14)
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1899 (22)
1898 (14)
1897 (14)
1896 (10)
1895 (15)
1894 (16)
1893 (11)
1892 (11)
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Proof - 68 (1)
Proof - 67 (1)
MS-67 (3)
Proof - 66 (1)
MS-66 (14)
Proof - 65 (2)
MS-65 (10)
Almost Uncirculated - 55 (1)
Almost Uncirculated - 53 (4)
Almost Uncirculated (8)
Extra Fine - 45 (1)
Extra Fine - 40 (1)
Extra Fine (10)
Very Fine - 35 (1)
Very Fine - 25 (1)
Very Fine - 20 (3)
Very Fine (32)
Fine (56)
Very Good or Better (1)
Very Good - 8 (1)
Very Good (68)
Good or Better (1)
Good - 6 (3)
Good (69)
Almost Good - 3 (1)
Almost Good (44)
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Average Circulated (4)
Cull (1)
None (1)
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+ (5)
CAC (4)
Under $25 (96)
$25 to $99 (99)
$100 to $499 (92)
$500 to $999 (4)
$1,000 to $2,500 (5)
Over $2,500 (30)
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Uniquely Designed Barber Coins Hold Value for any Collection

Barber half dollar coins are collected by numismatic collectors all over the world. The design replaced the overly popular Seated Liberty design that was one of the largest circulated coins. Charles Barber's design was the first to implement the words, “In God we Trust”. The Barber coin holds high esteem among collectors today because it replaced the Seated Liberty and started a new era in U.S. coinage.

The Barber halves provide users with a high level of value and is rare. Collectors and history lovers will find a number of Barber half coins that will add value and diversity to any collection. Whether you collect Barber half dollars or another U.S. coin series, explore the value of United States Mint coins and find the right Barber half dollars for your collection today.

Collecting Half Dollar Coins

Collecting half dollars from the U.S. Mint is a journey into numismatic history and each half dollar tells a story. Collectors appreciate the historical significance of the Barber half dollar, which was issued from 1892 until 1915 and there are 73 issues to collect in the series. After finding the right Barber half dollars for your collection, consider exploring our collection of half dollars from 1794 to date.

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