

IRA-Approved Palladium

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Coin (9)
Proof Coin (4)
$1,000 to $2,500 (12)
Over $2,500 (1)
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Royal Canadian Mint (7)
U.S. Mint (6)
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American Eagles (6)
Maple Leafs (7)

To include these items in your Precious Metals IRA, you must first contact our IRA Department at (800) 418-0235. Have questions about setting up a palladium IRA? We are here to answer your questions!

IRA-Acceptable Palladium Products

For products to qualify for a Precious Metals IRA, they must meet minimum fineness requirements as set by the IRS. Palladium must be at least .9995 fine. APMEX carries a wide selection of IRA-eligible Palladium products.
Our IRA specialists are available to guide you through our selection of Palladium IRA-eligible products. APMEX recommends discussing the details of your personal investment strategy with your IRA Custodian or financial adviser.

APMEX Customer Reviews

For 20 years, APMEX has provided customers with an easy shopping experience they can trust. We pride ourselves on transparency and consider every customer review to be valuable feedback. Please take a moment to read our reviews from valued customers on IRA-Approved Palladium and more. We welcome and encourage feedback – each review allows us to improve your Precious Metals buying experience.
210,000+ Customer Reviews
4.9 Overall Satisfaction Rating, the Highest Score in the Industry
Check out what other customers are saying.


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