

Australian Gold Lunar Monkey Coins

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1/20 oz (3)
1/10 oz (2)
1/4 oz (2)
1/2 oz (1)
1 oz (3)

About The Perth Mint Gold Lunar Monkey Coin

The Perth Mint Gold Lunar Monkey coin is a commemorative gold coin produced by the Perth Mint in Western Australia. The Lunar Monkey is part of the Perth Mint's Lunar Series II, which celebrates the Chinese zodiac calendar.

The Lunar Series II is a 12-year cycle, each year represented by a different animal from the Chinese zodiac. The Year of the Monkey was celebrated in 2016, and the Perth Mint released the Gold Lunar Monkey coin to commemorate the occasion.

The Gold Lunar Monkey coin is made from 99.99% pure gold and is available in various sizes, including 1/20 oz, 1/10 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz, 1 oz, 2 oz, 10 oz, and 1 kg. The design features a monkey sitting on a branch, with the Chinese character for "monkey" inscribed above it. The reverse side of the coin features an image of Queen Elizabeth II, the face value, and the year of the issue.

The Perth Mint is known for producing high-quality commemorative coins, and the Gold Lunar Monkey coin is no exception. It is a popular choice among collectors and investors interested in acquiring a beautiful and valuable piece of gold bullion with cultural significance.

About The Monkey In The Chinese Zodiac

In the Chinese zodiac, the monkey is the ninth of the 12 animals in the cycle. Each year in the Chinese zodiac is associated with one of these animals, and it is believed that the animal's characteristics are reflected in people born in that year.

According to Chinese astrology, people born in the Year of the Monkey (every 12 years) are considered to be intelligent, curious, playful, and mischievous. They are also believed to be friendly and outgoing, with a great sense of humor. However, monkeys can also be unpredictable and sometimes tend to be deceitful or manipulative.

In Chinese culture, the monkey is also seen as a symbol of good luck, creativity, and resourcefulness. The monkey is a clever and adaptable animal, able to solve problems and overcome obstacles innovatively. In traditional Chinese mythology, the monkey is often depicted as a hero, using its intelligence and quick thinking to save the day.

The monkey is seen as a highly intelligent and versatile animal in Chinese culture, and people born in the Year of the Monkey are thought to embody these qualities.

About The Perth Mint Lunar Series

The Perth Mint Lunar Series is a collection of commemorative coins produced by the Perth Mint in Western Australia. The series celebrates the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac and is released on a 12-year cycle, with each year represented by a different animal.

The Lunar Series I was first launched in 1996 and ran until 2007. The Lunar Series II was then launched in 2008 and is currently ongoing, featuring a different animal from the Chinese zodiac each year. The Lunar Series II is set to run until 2023, with the final coin commemorating the Year of the Rabbit.
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